

迷失了自己 . 最近是怎麼了自己也不曉得說有心事也不是完全 但要找1個完全瞭解我知道我在想什麽的聆聽著好難 有太多的話不知道怎麼說每次說話前言不搭後語好像只有自己明白 嗯有些故事是該說給懂的人聽 這一幕我想起了你 曾經陪我闖過大大小小的難關 在我無奈地時候在我身邊陪伴著我 就連我沒說什麼你也知道我想幹嘛 去年大考前1晚不知道哪來的壓力卻又困在心裡不知道該向誰訴苦 在我最無助的時候你的1通電話安撫了我整個心情 雖然沒有很好的安慰方法可是有個人可以猜透你的性格看穿你的脆弱 那種感覺很奇妙很美好. 還記得那晚你的模樣 我知道,我把你傷透了 現在說什麼屁話都是廢話了我也沒有資格要求你原諒我 你說故事已經結束 曾有人問我這樣做會不會不值得會不會後悔,到現在我還在問自己這個答案 對不起我選擇了逃避更何況我也沒有那個能力去改變這樣的結局. 想知道你現在過的好嗎 平行時空下地約定我們沒有. 有時候很愛幻想把時光回到那天那晚或許我的決定有改變 其實我比任何人都還想你過得幸福快樂. 你臉上的笑容是最棒的 ! 還有,謝謝你的笑容 慌亂了我的華年.

#將思念穿梭在宇宙數千光年 , 悄悄到你身邊


One Year Anniversary ♥

Hey guys, finally i came back here update my blog.It's so long time i din update my news at here. Sorry for those readers hehee actually I'm quite busy on this year. Before that, i think that Form3 PMR life are sucks,stress,shit blah blah but when form4 I really get is what is S-T-R-E-S-S. Hehes,that is the reason why i seldom update my baby blog. Heheee,actually the reason i came here & update my blog is Today is my beloved Daniel Fong & Me 

This sweet February is full of love. Oh nooo,it's every moment be with he are full of love! Hehee, time move on faster & faster. I can't imagine we have been together 365days. Of course, every couple sure always argue for nothings,we too! But the most important point is forgive & forget. Everyone also will do wrong what. Hmm ~ he are the one who make me cry & smile. He easily control my emotions,of course i always make his day too. All those memorable memory I still remember it no wonder is Happy or Sad.  I don't know what call promise i just wanna told you that : Love me this moment enough for me, love you Daniel Fong 

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